Satyrs Moon
Over the last several months, I have been working on updating my old fur sets to include appliers for Belleza, Slink and Omega. The new Bento Enabled Tail is active and has been completely tested.
Here are the 2017 Basic Fursets from Satyrs Moon

The Basic Black
How can you go wrong with a classic, prefect for a formal ball or seducing nymphs in the woods.
The Blood Red
Who can resist a red haired lad or lass ? This deep red fur looks great, but be careful. It is said that those with red hair have fiery tempers, and passions to match.
Basic Brown
Who hasn't seen that thick brown fur on a satyr or faun roaming the woods ? This is a perfect set for those who are just starting your journey with the Kith and Kin of Pan.
Cream Furs
Not quite innocent, or even innocent at all. The Cream furs bring a touch of playfulness to you satyr or faun.
Dark Gold
This dark gold fur suggests richness in life, adventure, and maybe a bit of mischief.
Light Gold
The Light Gold Furs. Although I usually stick with basic black for my own personal use, this is one of my favorites. I love the way the fur mottles.
They say that grey is a neutral color, but mix it with the smoky passions of a Satyr or Faun and neutrality is blown out the widow.
There is a hint of pink to these furs, to ass a deceptive softness to your life. Just remember that even a rose of the palest pink still has thorns.
White, pale as the full moon as she smiles down upon the woods. Who can resist seeing if the purity is only on the surface.